シリーズ「ラウトレッジ版 哲学ハンドブック」
Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy
ラウトレッジ版 身体化認知ハンドブック(第2版)
The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition

Editors: Lawrence Shapiro & Shannon Spaulding
2nd ed. 2024:06 562 p. ISBN 978-1-032-34512-3
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人間の心の謎の解明は、文理を越える諸学の重要テーマであり続けています。近年、その一つのカギとして特に注目を集めている概念が「身体化認知」(Embodied Cognition)です。心=脳を計算システムとして見る従来の認知科学の主流的見解を覆し、心の形成と認知活動における身体および環境の不可欠の影響を強調する「身体化認知」の考え方は、現下のAIは人間の知能を代替できるかといった議論の前提にもかかわります。「身体化認知」とともに「拡張された認知」「埋め込まれた認知」「エナクティブ・アプローチ」の議論も盛んであり、いまや心の哲学、認知哲学、心理学の哲学における有力な学派を成しつつあります。
本書は、斯界の代表的哲学者たちを結集した「身体化認知」の初のハンドブックとして好評を博した初版(ISBN 9780415623612)から10年ぶりの新版です。全42章は、初版の全35章を大幅に改訂するとともに、新たに加えた7章で、「AIとロボット」「予測処理」「第二言語学習」「動物認知」「スポーツ心理学」「自己の感覚」「身体化認知の批判」をカバーし、初版刊行後の議論の進展に対応しています。全体は10部構成で、「歴史的基盤」「身体化認知の視座」「身体化認知と予測処理」「知覚」「言語」「推論と教育」「仮想現実」「社会・道徳的な認知と感情」「行為と記憶」「身体化認知の考察」のテーマ別に、哲学だけでなく心理学、神経科学、動物行動学、ロボット工学、言語学、コンピュータ科学にかかわる「身体化認知」の学際的な基礎論から最前線までを一望することができます。
Introduction Lawrence Shapiro and Shannon Spaulding
Part 1: Historical Underpinnings
1. Phenomenology and Embodied Cognition Shaun Gallagher
2. A Ten Commandments for Ecological Psychology Claire Michaels and Zsolt Palatinus
Part 2: Perspectives on Embodied Cognition
3. First-order Embodiment, Second-order Embodiment, Third-order Embodiment Thomas Metzinger
4. Extended Cognition Ken Aizawa
5. Complex Dynamical Systems Modeling in the Cognitive Sciences Michael Richardson and Anthony Chemero
6. Embedded and Situated Cognition M. R. W. Dawson
7. The Enactive Approach Evan Thompson and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo
Part 3: Embodied Cognition and Predictive Processing
8. Integrating Embodied Cognition and Predictive Processing Elmarie Venter
9. Predicting the Body or Embodied Prediction? New Directions in Embodied Predictive Processing Luke Kersten
10. Predictive processing and embodiment in emotion Fiorella Del Popolo Cristaldi, Suzanne Oosterwijk, and Lisa Feldman Barrett
11. Visual Experience Michael Madary
Part 4: Perception
12. Extended reality (XR) in embodied musical art and science Pieter-Jan Maes, Bavo van Kerrebroeck, Mattia Rosso, Ioulia Marouda, and Marc Leman
13. Enactive Vision Erik Myin and Farid Zahnoun
14. Perception and/for/with/as Action Cedar Riener and Jeanine Stefanucci
Part 5: Language
15. Bodily Relativity Daniel Casasanto
16. Embodied Approaches to Language Comprehension Michael Kaschak, Michael Long, and Julie Madden
17. The Grounding of Concrete and Abstract Language: Consolidated Evidence, New Issues, and New Challenges Claudia Scorolli and Claudia Mazzuca
18. Linking Words to World: An Embodiment Perspective Chen Yu
Part 6: Reasoning and Education
19. Gesture in Reasoning: An Embodied Perspective Martha Alibali, Rebecca Boncoddo, and Autumn Hostetter
20. The Embodied Dynamics of Problem Solving: New Structure from Multi-Scale Interactions James A. Dixon, Damian G. Kelty-Stephen, Benjamin De Bari, and Jason Anastas
21. Advancements of Grounded and Embodied Mathematical Reasoning: Theory, Technology, and Research Methods Mitchell Nathan
22. Embodiment in Education Virginia Flood
23. Embodied Learning: Translating Embodied Cognition Research Sheila L. Macrine and Jennifer M.B. Fugate
Part 7: Virtual Reality
24. Embodied Experiences in Gameplay Tarja Susi and Niklas Torstensson
25. Minds in the Matrix: Embodied Cognition and Virtual Reality Paul Smart
26. Embodied Cognition and Movement-Driven Practices Zuzanna Rucinska and Susanne Ravn
27. Human Augmentation: Re-inventing Embodiment Frédérique de Vignemont
Part 8: Social and Moral Cognition and Emotion
28. Embodied Cognition and Theory of Mind Shannon Spaulding
29. Mindshaping and Embodied Habits Michelle Maiese
30. The Embodiment of Culture Tamer Soliman and Art Glenberg
31. The Constitution of Group Cognition Gerry Stahl
32. Varieties of Group Cognition Georg Theiner
33. Morality in the Body Chen-Bo Zhong and Brendan Strejcek
34. Embodied Emotion Concepts Paula Niedenthal, Adrienne Wood, Magdalena Rychlowska, and Anna Orlowska
Part 9: Action and Memory
35. Memory and Action Katinka Dijkstra
36. Motor Resonance: Neurophysiological Origin, Functional Role, and Contribution of the Motivational, Moral and Social Aspects of Action Laila Craighero
37. The Embodiment of Attention in the Action-Perception Loop Michael Spivey and Stephanie Huette
38. Embodied Remembering John Sutton and Kellie Williamson
Part 10: Reflections on Embodied Cognition
39. The Replication Crisis in Embodied Cognition Research Edouard Machery
40. Embodied Cognition Needs an Upgrade Guy Dove
41. Cognition Gary Hatfield
42. Revolution, Reform, or Business as Usual? The Future Prospects for Embodied Cognition Michael Wheeler