ラウトレッジ版 スペイン史ハンドブック
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish History

Editor: Andrew Dowling, Associate Professor in Spanish History at Cardiff University
2023:10 534 p. ISBN 978-1-032-11189-6 (Routledge) -GB-
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Part 1: Medieval
1. The Reconquest in Spanish Historiography
Martín Federico Ríos Saloma
2. War in Medieval Spain: A Militarised Society?
Carlos de Ayala Martínez
3. The Transformation of the Medieval Iberian Economy 1200-1500
Esther Pascua Echegaray
4. Minorities in the Medieval and Pre-Modern Christian Spains
Brian A. Catlos
5. The Spanish Monarchy, 1450 to 1600
José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez
6. Spanish Imperial Expansion 1500 to 1600
Andrew W. Devereux
7. Spanish National Myths and their Conception of the Middle Ages
Vicent Baydal
Part 2: Early Modern
8. Economic Growth and Inequality: Three Centuries of Spanish Economic Development, 1500–1800
Fernando Ramos
9. Social Change in Early Modern Spain (1600-1800)
Raúl Molina Recio
10. Cities and Urban Life in Early Modern Spain
Marina Torres Arce
11. Spain’s Political Relations with Spanish America in the Early Modern Period
Francisco Eissa Barroso
12. The Rural Worlds in Early Modern Spain: Different, Dynamic and Changing
Rosa Congost
13. British and French Influence and the Development of a National Market in Spain, 1650-1808
Guillermo Pérez Sarrión
14. The Press and the Emergence of Public Opinion in the Spanish Enlightenment
Elisabel Larriba
Part 3: Nineteenth Century
15. Spanish Political Development 1808 to 1868
Mark Lawrence
16. Spanish Foreign Policy 1808 to 1902: From Empire to Peripheral Power
Juan Carlos Pereira Castañares
17. The Idea of the Spanish Nation, 1808 to 1898
Ferran Archiles
18. Women and Gender in Nineteenth Century Spain. A History of Their Own
Mónica Burguera López
19. Spanish Orientalism
Angel Smith
20. Liberalism and Corruption in the Nineteenth Century: Money, Power and Connections
María Antonia Peña Guerrero
21. The Brains, the Guts, and the Numbers: Political and Ideological Conflicts in Spain (1845-1898)
Gregorio Alonso
22. Tradition and Modernity in Spanish Elections (1876-1923)
Rosa Ana Gutiérrez Lloret
23. Republicanism in Spain: The Struggle for Liberty, 1840–1931
Florencia Peyrou
24. Spain and its Colonial Wars, 1858 to 1927
Alfonso Iglesias Amorín
25. Women’s Work in Contemporary Spain (1856-1930): Myths and Experiences
Cristina Borderías
Part 4: Twentieth Century
26. The Demographic Modernisation of Spain in the Twentieth Century
Andreu Domingo and Joaquin Recaño
27. Alfonso XIII: A Reckless Driver
Francisco J. Romero Salvadó
28. Cultures of Catholicism and Secularism in Spain, 1898-1939
Julio de la Cueva
29. The Anarchist Movement 1871-1939
Danny Evans
30. Peasant Men and Women in Spain, 1900 to 1936
Teresa María Ortega López
31. Transnational Influences on the Ideology of the Spanish Right, 1920 to 1936
Steven Forti
32. The Spanish Civil War
Miguel Angel del Arco Blanco and José Luis Ledesma
33. Conservatives and the Spanish Nation (1923-1978)
Alejandro Quiroga
34. Galicia, 1916-1982: Culture, Politics and Identity
Ramon Villares
35. Political and Cultural Identities in the Basque Country, 1930-1980
Antonio Rivera
36. Catalonia 1930 to 1980: Society and Identity
Jaume Claret
37. The Spanish Anti-Liberal Right and the Question of Gender, 1931–1975
Zira Box Varela
38. What was the Franco Regime?
Carme Molinero
39. The Franco Regime and its Responses to Social Change
Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez
40. Narratives of the Rural World and the Question of Modernity in Franco’s Spain
Jean-Francois Lejeune
41. Political Cultures of the Spanish Left, 1939 to 1982
Pere Ysàs
42. Transnational Influences on Spanish Political Culture, 1960 to 1982
Paola Lo Cascio
43. The Transition to Democracy. The Creation and Crisis of a Myth
Xavier Casals Meseguer
44. The Spanish Civil War, Francoism and Historical Memory
Peter Anderson