ラウトレッジ版 モア・ザン・ヒューマン研究ハンドブック
The Routledge International Handbook of More-than-Human Studies

Editor: Adrian Franklin, Creative Industries, University of South Australia
2023:11 486 p. ISBN 978-1-032-19167-6
Web販売価格:税込¥49,715 / 標準価格:税込¥68,822
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1. The Separation? (Adrian Franklin)
Part 1 Foundations
2. In the Thick of Things and the Politics of Becoming (Andrew Pickering)
3. When Species Meet (Donna Haraway)
4. A Circumpolar Night’s Dream (Tim Ingold)
5. Planetary Multiplicity and the Much More-than-Human Earth (Nigel Clark and Bronislaw Szerszynski)
6. A Multispecies Ontological Turn? (Anna Tsing)
7. Politics, Space and the More-than-Human Condition (Steve Hinchliffe)
8. The ‘Shuffle of Things’ and the Distribution of Agency (Tony Bennett)
9. The Technical and the Political (Andrew Barry)
10. The More-than-Human City (Adrian Franklin)
Part 2 Elaboration
11. Airports, Affect and Arctic Futures – More-than-Human Thinking of Connectivity and Dwelling (Carina Ren)
12. Meeting and Mingling with Microbes: A More-than-Human Georgraphy of Hygiene, Holobionts and Hospitality (Beth Greenhough)
13. More-than-Human Reflections on Anthropause (Adam Searle and Jonathan Turnball)
14. The Virtual Animal in the Digital Anthropocene: Empowered or Subjugated? (Erica von Essen)
15. Living with Unruly Waste Matter: On More-than-Human Relations (Olli Pyyhtinen)
16. We Have Never Built Back Better: Using STS to Account for the Many Failures of Disaster Recovery (Steve Matthewman)
17. The More-than-Human Home (Emma R. Power)
18. Wrapping Things Up: Making Plastic into a Political Material (Gay Hawkins)
19. Histories in, of and for More-than-Human Worlds (Emily O’Gorman and Andrea Gaynor)
20. Making Time for, and with Honeybees (Catherine Phillips)
21. The Long Horizon: Temporal Imaginaries in the More-than-Human Arts (Chris Salter)
22. The Cosmopolitics of Urban Planning in a More-than-Human World (Jonathan Metzger)
Part 3 Methods
23. Nine Methodological Principles for the Posthumanities (Stephen Muecke, Alessandro Antonello, Tully Barnett, Amy T. Matthews, and Stephen Zagala)
24. Knives, the More-than-Human and Speculative Fabrication with/for the Cthulucene (Mike Michael)
25. The More-Than-Human Micropolitics of the Research Assemblage (Nick J. Fox and Pam Alldred)
26. Towards a More-than-Human Participatory Research (Michelle Bastian)
27. More-than-Human Ethics (Franklin Ginn)
Part 4 Towards a Habitable World
28. Walking into the Future with Bruno Latour (Adrian Franklin)