


関連ワード:SAGE ジェンダー セクシュアリティ 心理学 政治学 教育学 法学 洋書 社会学  更新日:2024.06.24

The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ+ Studies

Editor: Abbie E. Goldberg, Clark University
2ND 2024:05 3 vols. 1,664 p. ISBN 978-1-0718-9142-1
☆ 在庫特価(※弊社在庫に適用)10% off  GBP 497 / 通常価格 GBP 552
(Sage) -GB-



本書は、LGBTQ研究の広がりを示す初のレファレンスとして好評を得た初版(ISBN 9781483371306)から8年ぶりの新版です。初版の約350項目から改訂増補された新版では、アルファベット順に約500項目を収録し、「COVID-19期間のLGBTQ+」「トランプ政権のLGBTQ+への影響」といった新トピックや、「クィア」「人種」「トランスジェンダー」に関する項目が追加されています。各項目は、15の主題別カテゴリー「アクティビズムとアドボカシー」「家族、親族と交友関係」「LGBTQのインターセクショナリティ」「LGBTQのアイデンティティと政治学」「LGBTQと加齢」「LGBTQ、保健とウェルビーイング」「LGBTQの若者」「LGBTQの学生/青少年」「結婚と離婚」「育児」「調査法」「親子関係への過程」「セクシュアリティと親密な関係」「社会的制度と諸論点」「労働」に対応しています。




収録項目明細(A – Z)

  • Abstinence Only Until Marriage
  • Access to Health Care
  • Access to Health Insurance Coverage for Trans People
  • ACT UP
  • Activists in College
  • Adolescent Pregnancy
  • Adoption and Foster Care Discrimination
  • Adoption and Foster Care, Legal Considerations in
  • Adoption Type
  • Adoption via the Child Welfare System
  • Adoption, Choices About
  • Adoption, International
  • Adoption, Joint and Second-Parent
  • Adoption, Openness in
  • Adult Literature, Queer
  • Adults With LGBQ Parents
  • Advance Health Care Planning
  • Affirmative Therapy
  • African American Sexualities
  • Age of Consent
  • Ageisms in LGBTQ+ Cultures
  • Aging and Bisexuality
  • Aging, Gay Men
  • Aging, Lesbian Women
  • Aging, Sex, and Sexuality
  • Aging, Social Relationships, and Support
  • Aging, Trans People
  • AIDS Activism
  • Allosexism
  • Ally Experience
  • American Indian Sexualities
  • Sexualities
  • Androgyny
  • Anti-LGBTQ Ballot Initiatives (and LGBTQ Activism)
  • Anxiety
  • Archives
  • Aromanticism
  • Asexuality
  • Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Sexualities
  • Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Athletes
  • Ballroom Culture
  • Bans on LGBTQ-Inclusive Education
  • Bear Community
  • Bereavement
  • Bias in the Criminal Justice System
  • Big Data Bias in LGBTQ+ Research
  • Binational Same-Sex Couples and Families
  • Biphobia
  • Bisexual Inclusion in the LGBTQ Rights Movement
  • Bisexual People and Community
  • Bisexualities
  • Bisexuality, Men
  • Bisexuality, Women
  • Black Liberation Movements
  • Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders in LGBTQ People
  • Body Modification
  • Body Size and Weight
  • Bondage and Discipline/Domination and Submission (BDSM)
  • Bondage, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism (BDSM)
  • Breast Care for Trans People
  • Bullying, Legal Protections Against
  • Bullying, Rates and Effects of
  • Bullying, School-Based Interventions for
  • Business
  • Butch –Femme
  • Campus Climate
  • Cancer and Social Support
  • Cancer in the LGBTQ Community
  • Career Development and Trajectories
  • Caregiving
  • Catholic LGBTQ People
  • Child Support After LGBQ+
  • Divorce/Separation
  • Children With LGBQ Parents, Academic Outcomes
  • Children With LGBQ Parents, Gender Development and Identity
  • Children With LGBQ Parents, Psychosocial Outcomes
  • Children With LGBQ Parents, Sexual Identity
  • Children With LGBQ Parents, Stigmatization
  • Children With LGBTQ+ Parents, Gender Role Models
  • Children With Trans Parents, Psychosocial Outcomes
  • Choosing Schools in LGBTQ-Parent Families
  • Christian LGBTQ People
  • Chronic Illness
  • Cisgenderism
  • Cisnormativity
  • Citizenship
  • Closet, The
  • College Athletes
  • College Undergraduate Students
  • Coming Out, Disclosure, and Passing
  • Commitment Ceremonies
  • Community Climate
  • Consensual Non-monogamy
  • Co-parenting
  • Corrective Rape
  • Cost of Discrimination Against LGBTQ People
  • Couples Therapy
  • COVID-19 and LGBTQ Persons
  • Criminal Legal System and LGBTQ+ People
  • Critical Femininities
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cross-Category Friendships
  • Crossdressers
  • Cultural Dissemblance (of African Americans)
  • Custody and Litigation, LGBQ Parents
  • Custody Issues in Trans Parenting
  • DADT
  • Dating, GBQ Men
  • Dating, LBQ Women
  • Dating, Trans People
  • Dating, Youth
  • Deaf and Trans, Intersections
  • Debates About Scientific Integrity
  • Deciding Whether to Parent
  • Decolonizing LGBTQ Studies
  • Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
  • Dementia
  • Demisexuality
  • Demographics and the LGBTQ Population
  • Depression
  • Developmental Aspects of Sexuality
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
  • Disabilities
  • Disabilities and Chronic Illness Among LGBTQ Elders
  • Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ Elders
  • Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ People in the Public Sector
  • Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ People by Law Enforcement
  • Discrimination on the Basis of HIV/AIDS in Health Care
  • Division of Labor in LGBTQ+-Parent Families
  • Divorce and Relationship Dissolution, Psychological Experience of
  • Divorce and Separation, Historical Perspective on
  • Divorce, Legal Issues in
  • DOMA
  • Domestic Partnership
  • Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and Public Opinion
  • Down Low
  • Drag
  • Dress Codes
  • Dying, Death, and Bereavement
  • East Asian Sexualities
  • Education
  • Effeminacy
  • Elder Abuse
  • Elected Officials
  • Embodiment
  • Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
  • Essentialist–Constructionist Debate on the Origins of Sexual Orientation
  • Ethical Debates About Surrogacy
  • Ethical Research With LGBTQ+ People
  • Evolutionary Theory
  • Ex-Gay Movement
  • Exotic Becomes Erotic: A Developmental Theory of Sexual Orientation
  • Families of Choice
  • Families of Origin, Relationships With
  • Femininities
  • Femininity Stereotypes
  • Femmephobia
  • Fertility Tourism
  • Film
  • Focus Groups
  • Forced Sterilization
  • Foster Care/The Child Welfare System
  • Foster Parenting
  • Fraternities and Sororities
  • Freedom to Marry (and Other Marriage Equality Organizations)
  • Friendships
  • Gambling
  • Gaming
  • Gangs
  • Gay Exclusion in the U.S. Military: Evolution and Demise of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
  • Gay Gentrification
  • Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Sperm Donors
  • Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
  • Gayborhoods
  • Gaydar
  • Gay–Straight Alliances (GSAs)
  • Gender Affirmation at Work
  • Gender-Affirming and Preventive Care, Trans People
  • Gender Binaries
  • Gender Clinics
  • Gender Euphoria
  • Gender Identity Labels
  • Gender Nonconformity, Youth
  • Gender Spectrum
  • Genderqueer
  • Gender–Sexuality Alliances (GSAs)
  • GSAs
  • Hate Crimes
  • Health Care System
  • Health Disparities
  • Health Disparities, Trans People
  • Health in Non-Western Contexts
  • Heteroactivism
  • Heteronormativity
  • Heterosexism
  • Heterosexist Bias in Research
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, LGBTQ Students at
  • History of Trans Medicine in the United States
  • HIV and Treatment
  • HIV/AIDS and Aging
  • HIV/AIDS and Gay Masculinities
  • HIV/AIDS and Racial/Ethnic Disparities
  • HIV/AIDS and Trans People
  • HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care, Psychosocial and Structural Barriers to
  • Homelessness
  • Homelessness, Youth
  • Home–School Partnerships in LGBTQ-Parent Families
  • Homonormativity
  • Homophile Movement
  • Homophobia
  • Homophobic Language in the Peer Group
  • Hormones and Surgery, Gender Transition
  • HRC
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • Hypermasculinity
  • Immigration
  • Incarceration
  • Inclusive Sexual Education
  • Infertility and Reproductive Loss
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Intentions and Motivations to Parent
  • Internalized Homophobia
  • International Religious Freedoms
  • International Surrogacy/Reproductive Outsourcing
  • Interracial Relationships
  • Intersection of Racism and Sexism, LGBTQ Community
  • Intersectionality and LGBTQ Youth
  • Intersectionality in Research
  • Intersectionality Theory
  • Intersections Between Sex, Gender, and Sexual Identity
  • Intersex Inclusion
  • Intersex Society of North America
  • Intersex Surgery Restrictions
  • Intersexuality
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Men
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Prevention
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Trans People
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Women
  • It Gets Better
  • Jewish LGBTQ People
  • Juvenile Justice System
  • kiki
  • Kink
  • Large Datasets in Research, Use of
  • Latinx Sexualities
  • Laws Banning Homosexuality and Sodomy
  • Leadership
  • Leather Culture
  • Legal Consciousness
  • Legal Recognition of Nonmarital Same-Sex Relationships
  • Legal Rights of Nonbiological Parents
  • Legal Rights Under Federal Antidiscrimination Law
  • Leisure
  • Lesbian “Bed Death”
  • Lesbian Avengers
  • LGB Parenting Styles and Values
  • LGBQ+ Parents and the Health Care System
  • LGBT Parents in the Child Welfare System
  • LGBT/Queer Studies Programs
  • LGBTQ Children of LGBTQ Parents
  • LGBTQ Consumer Market, The
  • LGBTQ Grandparenting
  • LGBTQ Health in Non-Western Contexts
  • LGBTQ-Parent Families With More Than Two Parents
  • LGBTQ-Parent Involvement and Advocacy in Schools
  • LGBTQ Parents Coming Out to Children
  • LGBTQ People of Color
  • Colleges and Universities, LGBTQ Students at; Intersection of Racism and
  • Sexism, LGBTQ Community
  • LGBTQ-Related Issues in K–12 Education Across Global Contexts
  • LGBTQ Umbrella
  • Living Arrangements of Children After LGBQ+ Divorce/Separation
  • Long-Term Same-Sex Couples
  • Marches on Washington
  • Mardi Gras
  • Marriage Equality, Effects on Well-Being and Relationships
  • Marriage Equality, Landmark CourtDecisions
  • Marriage, Reasons For and Against
  • Masculinities
  • Masculinities and Friendship
  • Masculinity and Pregnancy
  • Masculinity Stereotypes
  • Media Representations of LGBTQIA+ People
  • Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)
  • Mentoring
  • Methodological Decisions by Researchers of LGBTQIA+ Populations
  • Microaggressions
  • Military and LGBTQ People
  • Military and Trans People
  • Minority Stress
  • Mixed-Orientation Marriages
  • Monogamy and Non-Monogamy
  • Monosexism
  • Morality and Respectability
  • MSM
  • Multiraciality/Multiracial LGBTQ People
  • Musicians/Music, LGBTQ
  • Muslim LGBTQ People
  • Naming Practices
  • National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)
  • National Center for Transgender Equality
  • Native American/First Nations/Indigenous Sexualities
  • Nonbinary Genders
  • Nonbinary Pronouns
  • Nonbiological, Non-gestational Mother
  • Online Communications and Community
  • Online Surveys and LGBTQ Research
  • Pansexuality
  • Parent Gender Transition and Intimate Relationship Changes
  • Parent Relationship Quality
  • Parental Well-Being
  • Partners in (Gender) Transition
  • Passing
  • Penile Reconstruction, for Trans Individuals
  • Phalloplasty
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Physicians
  • Police Officers/Law Enforcement Officials
  • Politics of Knowledge Production in LGBTQ+ Studies
  • Politics, LGBTQIA+
  • Polyamorous Parenting
  • Polyamory
  • Population-Based Surveys, Collection of Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • Pornography
  • Posttraumatic Stress
  • Poverty
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Prison Rape
  • Professional Athletes
  • Professional Development for Improving LGBTQ+ Competence Among School
  • Professionals
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Pulse Nightclub Shooting
  • Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative Research
  • Queer
  • Queer Anti-capitalism
  • Queer Ethnographies/Authoethnographies
  • Queer Nation
  • Queer of Color Critique
  • Queer Pedagogies
  • Queer Politics
  • Queer Studies
  • Queer Theory
  • Queering Heteromasculinities
  • Racialized Femininities
  • Racialized Masculinities
  • Rainbow Capitalism
  • Reciprocal In Vitro Fertilization
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Relationship Anarchy
  • Relationships With Families Who Share the Same Donor
  • Relationships With Former Spouses
  • Relationships With Parents, Youth
  • Relationships With Siblings, Youth
  • Religion and Spirituality, Youth
  • Religion/Spirituality and LGBTQIA+ People
  • Religious Freedom and LGBTQ Rights
  • Religious Identity and Sexuality, Reconciliation of
  • Reproductive Justice and Abortion
  • Reproductive Outsourcing
  • Resilience and Protective Factors, Youth
  • Restrooms
  • Retirement
  • Romantic Friendships
  • Rural and Urban Communities
  • Same-Gender Sexualities, Men
  • Same-Gender Sexualities, Women
  • Same-Sex Weddings
  • Sampling
  • Sapiosexuality
  • School Climate
  • School Selection
  • Schools as Heteronormative and Cisnormative Spaces
  • School-to-Prison Pipeline
  • Self-Insemination
  • Senior Living Programs and Policies
  • Sense of Belonging/School Climate in LGBTQ+-Parent Families
  • Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders (SAGE)
  • Sex Positive Movement
  • Sex Reassignment Surgery
  • Sex Therapy
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Sex Work Activism
  • Sex Work and Criminalization
  • Sex Work, GBQ Men
  • Sex Work, LBQ Women
  • Sex Work, Legal Aspects
  • Sex Work, Trans People
  • Sex/Sexuality Education and LGBTQIA+ Inclusion
  • Sexology
  • Sexual Addiction and Compulsions
  • Sexual Agreements and Arrangements
  • Sexual Assault/Rape
  • Sexual Attraction, Behavior, and Identity
  • Sexual Compulsivity, Treatment of
  • Sexual Consent
  • Sexual Desire and Relationship Quality
  • Sexual Education Mandates for Inclusion
  • Sexual Exceptionalism
  • Sexual Fluidity
  • Sexual Identity Labels
  • Sexual Minorities and Violence
  • Sexual Norms and Practices
  • Sexual Orientation Among Trans People
  • Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy
  • Sexual Risk-Taking
  • Sibling Relationships
  • Single-Parent Adoption
  • Sissyboy Experience
  • Smoking
  • Social Class
  • Social Media and LGBTQ+ Youth: Online Communications and Community
  • Social Media, Use for Recruitment
  • Sororities
  • Spatial/Social Location of LGBTQ+ Persons
  • Sperm Donor Selection and Race/Ethnicity
  • Sperm Donor, Choosing a
  • Sperm Donors’ Involvement in Children’s Lives
  • Sperm Donors, Known
  • Sperm Donors, Unknown
  • Sports, Men
  • Sports, Trans People
  • Sports, Women
  • Stealth (Trans Passing)
  • Stepfamily Division of Labor and Money Management
  • Stepfamily Family Functioning and Relationship Stability
  • Stonewall
  • Strategic Disclosure
  • Substance Abuse/Dependence and Trans People
  • Substance Use and LGBTQ+ People
  • Substance Use Treatment and Recovery
  • Substance Use, Youth
  • Suicide, Effects on Family and Friends
  • Suicide, Risk Factors for and Prevention of
  • Support Groups and Resources
  • Surrogacy
  • Surrogacy, Legal Considerations
  • Television, Scripted
  • Theories of Sexual Orientation
  • Therapists’ Biases Regarding LGBTQIA+ People
  • Therapists, Training of
  • Therapy With Children of LGBTQIA+ Parents
  • Therapy With Families During and After Parental Gender Transition
  • Therapy With LGBTQ+ Parents
  • Therapy With LGBTQ+ Youth
  • Therapy With Trans and Gender-Nonconforming People
  • Therapy With Trans Clients, Mental Health Considerations
  • Tomboy Experience
  • Trafficking in the Sex Trades
  • Training of Teachers in LGBQIA+ Sensitivity and Competence
  • Trans Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, Youth
  • Trans Community, Inclusion/Involvement in Research
  • Trans Ethnographies
  • Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Youth and the Legal System
  • Trans Geographies
  • Trans Health Care
  • Trans Identities
  • Trans Inclusion in the LGBTQ Rights Movement
  • Trans Inclusion on College Campuses
  • Trans Parents and Well-Being
  • Trans People and Binding, Tucking, and Packing
  • Trans People and Division of Labor
  • Trans People and Religion/Spirituality
  • Trans People and Violence
  • Trans People of Color
  • Trans Sexualities
  • Trans Students, Access to Sex-Segregated Facilities and Programs
  • Trans Youth and Cross-Sex Hormones
  • Trans Youth and Family Relationships
  • Trans Youth and Puberty Suppression
  • Trans Youth and Well-Being
  • Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists
  • Trans Health Care Policies
  • Transition to Parenthood and Parental Roles
  • Transition to Parenthood for LGBTQIA+ People
  • Transmisogyny
  • Transnormativity
  • Transphobia
  • Transracial and Same-Race Adoption
  • Trauma
  • Trevor Project
  • Trump and LGBTQIA+ People
  • Vaginoplasty, for Trans Women
  • Veterans
  • Violence and Victimization of Youth
  • Visual Arts
  • Wills and Trusts
  • Work Environments
  • Work–Family Interface, LGBTQIA+ Parents
  • Workplace Discrimination
  • Workplace Friendships
  • Workplace Policies
  • World Professional Association for Transgender Health
  • Young Adult Literature, Queer
