ウィリアム・モリスの芸術と社会主義運動 – 同時代パンフレット復刻集成
William Morris, Art and Socialist Movements: A Collection of Contemporary Pamphlets
編集・解説: 川端康雄 (日本女子大学教授)
2019年9月刊行 A5判 約1,250頁 全3巻+別冊 ISBN 978-4-86166-210-2
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ヴィクトリア朝時代英国を代表する文筆・芸術家であるウィリアム・モリスの文学創作や装飾芸術作品の制作が、彼の社会主義思想と深く関わるものであることはつとに知られています。実際、彼の著作の多くはその活動の拠点となったSocialist League(社会主義同盟)の機関紙やパンフレットなどに当初発表されています。本集は、モリスが所属したこの同盟の公式パンフレットを中心にその周辺で刊行された様々な小冊子類47点をまとめる復刻資料集です。

Volume 1 (c. 320pp.)
Socialist Pamphlets Series
- Hammersmith Socialist Society, Statement of Principles, 1893, 8pp.
- Scheu, Andreas, What’s to be done? Educate! Agitate! Organise!, 1892,12pp.
- Morris, William, Useful Work versus Useless Toil,1893, 20pp.
- Morris, William, True and False Society, 1893, 20pp.
- Morris, William, Monopoly, or How Labour is Robbed, 1893, 16pp.
- Carruthers, John, Socialism and Radicalism,1884, 16pp.
- Carruthers, John, Political Economy of Socialism, n/d, 16pp.
Miscellaneous Documents related to the Foundation of the Socialist League
- ‘A Word to Our Fellow Workers and the Unemployed in the East End of London’, 1883, single-sided broadside.
- Morris, William, ‘The Socialist League – Appeal for Funds’, c.1885, single-sided printed leaflet.
- The Socialist League, The Socialist League – Hammersmith Branch.1885, double-sided leaflet.
- The Socialist League, Down with the Socialists!, London: The Socialist League, 1885, double-sided leaflet.
- The Socialist League, Report of the Third Annual Conference of the Socialist League – Held at 13 Farringdon Road, London, E.C. On Whitsunday May 29, 1887, London, 1887, 16pp.
- The Socialist League, Annual Report of the Glasgow Branch of the Socialist League, Glasgow: Horn and Connell,1887, 12pp. ill. Walter Crane.
- The Socialist League, Report of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Socialist League Held at 13 Farringdon Road, London, E.C., On Whitsunday, May 20, 1888, London, 1888, 16pp.
- The Socialist League, ‘Agenda for the Annual Conference of the Socialist League, to be Held at Farringdon Hall, 13 Farringdon Road, E.C., On Whitsunday, May 20th, 1888’, London 1888, 2pp, Broadsheet with manuscript additions.
- Morris, William, and Ernest Belfort Bax, The Manifesto of the Socialist League, [New edition annotated by W. Morris and E. B. Bax], London: Socialist League Office,1895, 16pp., ill. Walter Crane.
- International Socialist Workers & Trade Union Congress, ‘Great Demonstration in Favour of International Peace will be held in Hyde Park on Sunday, July 26, 1896’, London: Twentieth Century Press,1896 double-sided broadside.
Socialist Platform Series
- Council of the Socialist League, Address to the Trades’ Unions, London: Socialist League Office, 1885, 16pp. ill. Walter Crane.
- Morris, William, Useful Work Versus Useless Toil,1886, 24pp. ill. Walter Crane.
- Aveling, Edward, and Eleanor Marx Aveling, The Factory Hell, 16pp. ill. Walter Crane
- Bax, E. Belfort, Victor Dave, and William Morris, A Short Account of the Commune of Paris, 1886, 24pp, ill. Walter Crane.
- Binning, Thomas, Organised Labour – The Duty of the Trades’ Unions in Relation to Socialism, 1886, 16pp., ill. Walter Crane.
- Morris, William, True and False Society, 1888, 22pp., ill. Walter Crane.
- Morris, William, Monopoly; or How Labour is Robbed, 1890, 16pp. ill. Arthur Walter Hughes.
Volume 2 (c. 480pp.)
Miscellaneous Pamphlets on Socialism
- Hyndman, H.M. and William Morris, A Summary of the Principles of Socialism written for the Democratic Federation, London: The Modern Press, 1884, 64pp. ill. William Morris.
- Morris, William, The Labour Question from the Socialist Viewpoint, Edinburgh: Co-operative Printing Company, 1886, 30pp.
- Morris, William, The Tables Turned; or, Nupkins Awakened – A Socialist Interlude, London: Office of The Commonweal, 1887, 32pp.
- Morris, William, A King’s Lesson, Aberdeen: James Leatham, 1891, 16pp.
- Morris, William, Under an Elm-Tree; or Thoughts in the Country-side, Aberdeen: James Leatham, 1891, 16pp.
- Morris, William, The Reward of Labour: A Dialogue, London: Hayman, Christy and Lilly, 1892, 12pp.
- Naewiger, Conrad, G. Bernard Shaw, and J. Armden, The Why I Ams – Why I am a Socialist and an Atheist; Why I am a Social Democrat; Why I am an Individualist Anarchist, London: James Tochatti, Liberty Press, 1894, 16pp.
- Morris, William, and L.S. Bevington, The Why I Ams – Why I am a Communist; Why I am an Expropriationist, London: James Tochatti, Liberty Press, 1894, 16pp. ill. Walter Crane.
- Morris, William, The Revolt of Ghent, Huddersfield: The Worker Office; London: Twentieth Century Press; Manchester: National Labour Press, 1910, 50pp.
Songs for Socialists
- Morris, William, Chants for Socialists, 2nd ed., London: The Socialist League Office, 1885, 16pp. ill. Walter Crane.
- J. Bruce Glacier (ed.), Socialist Songs, Glasgow: Labour Literature Society 1893, 96pp.
- Carpenter, Edward (ed.), Chants of Labour – A Song Book of the People with Music, 6th ed., London: George Allen and Unwin, 1922, 112pp. ill. Walter Crane.

Volume 3 (c.420pp.)
Art and Socialism
- Morris, William, Labour and Pleasure Versus Labour and Sorrow, An Address at Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design, Birmingham: Cund Bros., 1880, 32pp.
- Morris, William, The Socialist Ideal of Art, London: The New Review, 1891, 12pp. [A Buxton Forman forgery]
- Morris, William, Art and Socialism, Leek: E.E.M. and W.L.S, 1884, 88pp. [Sammelband of three pamphlets]
- Morris, William, An Address on the Collection of Paintings of the Pre-Raphaelite School, Delivered by Mr. William Morris, in the Museum and Art Gallery, on Friday, October 2nd, 1891, Birmingham: E.C. Osborne and Son, 1891,16pp.
- Morris, William, International Health Exhibition, Lectures – Textile Fabrics, A Lecture Delivered in the Lecture Room of the Exhibition, July 11th, 1884., London: Executive Council of the International Health Exhibition and for the Council of the Society of Arts, 1884, 32pp.
- Morris, William, The Aims of Art, London: Office of The Commonweal, 1887, 40pp.
- Morris, William, An Address Delivered by William Morris at the Distribution of Prizes to Students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art on Feb. 21, 1894, London: Longman, 1898, 25pp. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden Type designed by William Morris.
- Morris, William, Art and the Beauty of the Earth. A Lecture Delivered by William Morris at Burslem Town Hall on October 13, 1881, London: Longman, 1898, 31pp. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden Type designed by William Morris.
- Morris, William, Some Hints on Pattern Designing. A Lecture Delivered by William Morris at the Working Men’s College, London, on December 1881, London: Longman, 1899, 45pp., Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden Type designed by William Morris.
- Morris, William, Architecture and History, A Paper Read before the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, on July 1, 1884. London: Longman, 1900, 50pp. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden Type designed by William Morris.
- Morris, William, Art and its Producers. A Lecture Delivered in Liverpool in 1888, London: Longman, 1901, 47pp., Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden Type designed by William Morris.