センゲージ ラーニング社Gale提供、欧米を中心に、女性の社会的向上や権利獲得関連の様々な一次資料を収録するデータベース・シリーズ Women’s Studies Archive より、新たなデータベースが登場します。
Women’s Studies Archive – Rare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922 は、アメリカ古書協会所蔵書籍から”women as authors”と索引された書籍を収録します。
- コンテンツ提供図書館 :アメリカ古書協会
- コンテンツ数 :5,700 タイトル以上。約 1,000,000 ページ。原本からスキャニングされ
- 収録年代 :1820 年‐1922 年
- Edgeworth, Maria, 1768-1849. Moral tales, / by Maria Edgeworth. Part I[-III]. Containing Forester. The Prussian vase. ; Embellished with numerous original designs by Darley. Philadelphia: : George S. Appleton, 148 Chestnut Street. ; New York: : D. Appleton and Co. 200 Broadway., 1845.
- Markham, Mrs., 1780-1837. Amusements of Westernheath: or, Moral stories for children. : Containing The mischievous boy, The proud girl, The inquisitive girl, The rude boy, The merry meeting, Twelfth-night, The Highlanders, a drama. Boston: : Munroe and Francis, no. 128, Washington-Street; corner of Water Street, and Charles S. Francis, 189 Broadway, New-York; opposite John-Street., [1826 or 1827?]
- Demorest, Mme. (Ellen Louise Curtis), 1824-1898. Spring and summer catalogue of Mme. Demorest’s reliable patterns for ladie’s and children’s dress. New York : Demorest, 1874.
- Maberly, Mrs. (Catherine Charlotte), 1805-1875. The art of conversation, with remarks on fashion and address: : together with general rules to be observed in intercourse with society. / By Mrs. Maberly. ; [Six lines of quotation] New-York: : Wilson & Co. Brother Jonathan Press., 1846.]
- Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887. The head of the family : a novel / by the author of Olive and The Ogilvies. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1852.
- Dorr, Julia C. R. (Julia Caroline Ripley), 1825-1913. Vermont: : a poem. / By Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr. Written for the Vermont centennial celebration, at Bennington, August 15th, 1877. [Maplewood, Mass.] : Printed by Perry & Austin, Maplewood, Mass., 1877.
- Jewsbury, Maria Jane, 1800-1833. The three histories. : The history of an enthusiast.–The history of a nonchalant. The history of a realist. / By Mrs. Fletcher. (Late Miss Jewsbury.) Philadelphia: : T.K. Greenbank & Co. no. 9, Franklin Place., 1833.
- Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846. Floral biography; or Chapters on flowers: / by Charlotte Elizabeth. New York: : Published by M.W. Dodd, Brick Church Chapel, corner of Park Row and Spruce streets., 1840.
- 1835-1914. A psychic autobiography / by Amanda T. Jones ; with introd. by James H. Hyslap. New York : Greaves Pub. Co., 1910.
- Jameson, Mrs. (Anna), 1794-1860. Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. / By Mrs. Jameson … ; [Two lines from Madame Roland] New-York: : Harper & Brothers, Cliff-Street., 1844.
- Cary, Alice, 1820-1871. A lover’s diary, by Alice Cary … Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1868.
- Beecher, Catharine Esther, 1800-1878. The American woman’s home: or, Principles of domestic science; : being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes. / By Catharine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe. New -York: : J.B. Ford and Co. ; Boston: : H.A. Brown & Co. ; Philadelphia: : Chas. S. Greene, & Co. ; Chicago: : J.A. Stoddard & Co. ; Cincinnati: : Henry Howe. ; San Francisco: : Francis Dewing & Co., 1870.
- Hoare, Mrs. (Louisa Gurney), 1784-1836. Hints for the improvement of early education and nursery discipline. Portsmouth [N.H.]: : Published by T.H. Miller., 1823.
- Forrest, Catherine Norton Sinclair, 1817-1891. Report of the Forrest divorce case, : containing the full and unabridged testimony of all the witnesses, the affidavits and depositions, together with the Consuelo and Forney letters / This edition is published under the direct supervision of the law reporter of the New York Herald and is the only one containing the suppressed testimony. New York: : Robert M. De Witt, publisher, 13 Frankfort Street., [between 1861 and 1869]
- Thompson, Sally, Mrs. Trial and defence. : Minutes and evidence taken in the case of Mrs. Thompson, arraigned on charges and specifications annexed, before a committee of triers, by the Methodist Episcopal Society, in Cherry-Valley, on the 10th day of June, 1830. : Her written answers are also annexed. [Massachusetts : s.n., 1830]
- Gannett, Deborah Sampson, 1760-1827. An address delivered in 1802 in various towns in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York / by Mrs. Deborah Sampson Gannett, of Sharon, Massachusetts, a soldier of the American revolution. Reprinted by the Sharon historical society, with an introduction by Eugene Tappan, corresponding secretary of the Society. Boston : Press of H. M. Hight, 1905.
- Wood, Susannah, Mrs. Narrative of Mrs. Susannah Wood, : who died in Boston, Dec. 30, 1845. With an address delivered at her funeral in Grace Church, by The Rev. C. M. Butler. Boston : James B. Dow, 1846.
- Brown, M. G., Mrs. Mrs. M.G. Brown’s metaphysical the three appointed channels to convey moisture to the body. : Pamphlet. A synopsis of metaphysics. … [New York] : Published by the Metaphysical University, 51 Bond Street, New York., [1871?]
- The Pioneer. : [Four lines of verse] : This little pamphlet is particularly designed for the perusal of those who have so far gained the victory over their prejudices against the doctrine of a world’s salvation from sin and misery, that they are enabled to look at both sides of that all important subject upon which it treats–to “prove all things, and hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thess. v. 21. [Geneva, N.Y.] : Published and sold at the “Herald of Truth Office:” Price 3 cts. single, 31 cts. per doz. $2 per hundred. Geneva, N.Y., 1836.
- Gardner, H. C., Mrs. Fault finding, and Madeline Hascall’s Letters. Cincinnati : Hitchcock and Walden, 1869.
- Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846. Letters from Ireland. New York : M.W. Dodd, 1844.
- The American family library of practical knowledge, containing recipes and prescriptions for domestic use in the preservation of health, the production of comforts, and the procurement of cheap and harmless luxuries. : Part I.–The Family doctor. Part II.–The Kitchen companion. Part III.–The Universal receipt book. : The whole adapted to the wants and tastes of American families wherein economy is the guide and comfort is the aim. New York: : H. Phelps & Co., 124 Nassau Street., 1848.
- Beecher, Catharine Esther, 1800-1878. Miss Beecher’s housekeeper and health keeper: : containing five hundred recipes for economical and healthful cooking : also, many directions for securing health and happiness. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1874.
- More, Hannah, 1745-1833. The book of private devotion, : a series of prayers and meditations; with an introductory essay on prayer, chiefly from the writings of Hanna More. New-York: : Daniel Appleton, Clinton Hall. J. Leavitt, 182 Broadway. Boston–Crocker and Brewster., 1832.
- Sandham, Elizabeth. The twin sisters; or, The advantages of religion. / By Miss Sandham. New York: : Published by William Burgess, Juvenile Emporium, no. 97 Fulton Street., 1830.
Women’s Studies Archive既刊パートとの相互補完性
Women’s Studies Archiveシリーズでは、欧米を中心に、女性の社会的向上や権利獲得関連の様々な一次資料を収録してきました。第一弾Issues and Identitiesでは、19-20世紀の英米欧を中心に、女性の社会地位向上、権利獲得のための運動に関わる様々な一次資料を収録します。そして第二弾Voice and Visionは、第一弾に続き、19-20世紀の選挙権、産児制限、平和主義、社会主義など女性による政治活動に関する資料を収録します。
Voice and Visionの中心となるコレクションがMonographs on and by Women from the American Antiquarian Society(アメリカ古書協会所蔵、女性作家著作コレクション)です。参政権運動、保健など、協会所蔵の女性作家の著作から、特に研究対象となりやすい主題を取り上げた著作を選択収録しています。このコレクションが好評を博したため、Voice & Vision で収録対象外となった膨大な書籍群を、独立したデータベースRare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922 としてこの度リリースする運びとなりました。
Women’s Studies Archiveシリーズ
- Issues and Identities データベースご案内サイト 収録内容のご紹介記事
- Voice and Vision データベースご案内サイト 収録内容のご紹介記事
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Women’s Studies Archive: Rare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922 は、アメリカ古書協会所蔵書籍から、特定年代に刊行され、”women as authors”と索引されたものを収録しています。一定の基準の下に収集された単一のコレクションという点で、デジタル人文学的な分析に適したコレクションです。
Gale では、テキストマイニングツール、Gale Digital Scholar Lab を別途ご提供しており、本データベースとあわせてご導入いただくことで、男性中心的な世界観とは異なる知見を得ることが期待できます。
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Women’s Studies Archive – Rare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922 は女性自身によって書かれた著作から、女性が果たした文化への貢献や社会での経験についての洞察を提供するデータベースです。
(紀伊國屋書店 書籍・データベース営業部 清水)