
AI in Libraries 図書館におけるAI利用の可能性



Kinokuniya has been commissioned to work with a number of university libraries, and a recent topic of conversation at many of them is the possibility of using AI in libraries. With the emergence of advanced generative AI such as ChatGPT, many universities are considering how to deal with this issue in their education and teaching departments (e.g., whether AI is allowed to be used for writing reports and assignments), and libraries are beginning to consider the use of AI as well. In the following, we would like to share some examples and share some tips for AI use in libraries.




Book Report Contest: Using Generative AI

One university library that we are commissioned to work with holds a book report contest every year. Many students participate and submit their best works, and in the past few years, the participation of international students from overseas has also taken root. They read Japanese works and submit well-written reports in Japanese. We are very impressed by their willingness to challenge beyond the language barrier.

However, since they are not native speakers of Japanese, their Japanese expressions will inevitably be poor. As a result, Japanese students are evaluated more highly in competitions. In this context, some works using generative AI were submitted this year in a book report by international students. They are not entire book reports made by the AI, but rather, once they write their own book reports and have the AI brush up their Japanese sentences. The review board (the library committee members and library staff) for the book reports positively evaluated the use of AI in this case. They perceived it as an effective use of AI in terms of language learning.



図書館で契約されている様々な製品の中では、少しずつAIの利用が浸透し始めています。弊社が取り扱う学術論文のドキュメント・デリバリーサービスArticle Galaxyでは、AIによって論文の内容を要約し、必要な論文の探索時間を短縮する機能が実装されています。また世界最大の学術出版社であるエルゼビア社も生成系AIを利用した文献探索補助ツールのアルファ版を今年8月に公開しました。情報探索とは別に、ワイリー社が提供するWiley Digital Archivesでは、手書き資料のテキスト化にAIが使われています。図書館でのAI利用は、意識しないまま徐々に浸透していくのかもしれません。

Gradually permeating AI in library services

The use of AI is slowly beginning to spread among the various products contracted by libraries. For example, Article Galaxy, Academic article document delivery service, uses AI to summarize the content of articles to reduce the time required to search for the articles. Elsevier, the world’s largest academic publisher, also released an alpha version of Scopus AI using generative AI this August. Wiley Digital Archives, provided by Wiley, uses AI to convert handwritten materials into text. The use of AI in libraries may gradually spread without awareness.




AI Reference Service Initiatives

We are currently experimenting with AI-based reference services. It has been a long time since libraries have been required to support teaching and research, and at the core of this support is the strengthening of reference services in Libraries.  Reference librarians are expected to play a central role in responding to requests for study consultation from students and research assistance from faculty, but it is quite difficult in Japan to have a large number of subject librarians like university libraries in the United States and Europe. To tackle this challenge, we are now experimenting with the possibility of supporting reference work with the help of AI.

Now, in Japan, the labor force continues to decline and it becomes increasingly difficult to secure human resources. So do librarians. It will be necessary to consider alternatives now. We look forward to working with universities that are interested in our efforts to develop the next generation of library services. If you have any questions, please contact our sales staff or Library Services Department.

(紀伊國屋書店 ライブラリーサービス営業本部 小林)