


関連ワード:Wiley 地球科学 宇宙科学 洋書 物理学 環境科学  更新日:2023.11.22

Space Physics and Aeronomy (American Geophysical Union )

Editors-in-Chief: Yongliang Zhang & Larry Paxton (Supervisors of Space Weather Section and Geospace and Earth Science Group, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)

2021:05 5 vols. 2,570 p. set ISBN 978-1-119-50748-2  (Wiley) -US-
USD 1133.95
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阿部 琢美 JAXA 宇宙科学研究所 准教授
長井 嗣信 JAXA宇宙科学研究所 上席研究開発員
日置 幸介 北海道大学 地球惑星科学科 教授
菊池 崇 名古屋大学 宇宙地球環境研究所 名誉教授
大塚 雄一 名古屋大学 宇宙地球環境研究所准教授
Huixin Liu 九州大学 地球惑星科学科 准教授
三好 勉信 九州大学 地球惑星科学科 准教授


Volume 1: Solar Physics and Solar Wind
Nour E. Raouafi & Angelos Vourlidas

1. The Solar Wind
Alexis Rouillard, Nicholeen Viall, Viviane Pierrard, Christian Vocks, Aleida Higginson, Olga Alexandrova, Lorenzo Matteini, Benoit Lavraud, Alessandro Bemporad, Yihong Wu, Michael Lavarra, Rui Pinto and Eduardo Sanchez-Diaz
2. The Heating of the Solar Corona
N. M. Viall, I. De Moortel, C. Downs, J. A. Klimchuk,S. Parenti and F. Reale
3. Solar Magnetism and Radiation
Gordon Petrie, Serena Criscuoli and Luca Bertello
4. Solar Energetic Particles
Christina Cohen, Gang Li, Glenn Mason, Albert Shih and Linghua Wang
5. Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
Noé Lugaz, Jiong Qiu and Barbara J. Thompson
6. Fine-Scale Features in the Sun’s Atmosphere: Spicules and Jets
Alphonse Sterling
7. Solar Interior
Mark Linton, Mausumi Dikpati and Rachel Howe

Volume 2: Magnetospheres in the Solar System
Romain Maggiolo, Nicolas André, Hiroshi Hasegawa & Daniel T. Welling

Section I: The Earth Magnetosphere
1. A Brief History of the Magnetosphere
David Southwood
2. Large Scale Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
David Sibeck
3. The Equations of the Magnetosphere
Herbert Gunell

Section II: Fundamental Processes
4. Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
Tsugunobu Nagai (長井 嗣信)
5. Turbulence and Complexity of Magnetospheric Plasma
Marius M. Echim
6. Wave-Particle Interactions in the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Richard. M. Thorne
7. Cross-scale Energy Transport in Space Plasma: Applications to the Magnetopause Boundary
Katarlina Nykyri

Section III: Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling
8. Solar Wind Interaction with Earth’s Bow Shock
Georges K. Parks
9. Magnetosheath
Yashuhito Narita
10. Dayside Magnetopause Processes
Steven Fuselier
11. The Polar Cusps of the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Benoit Lavraud
12. The Earth’s Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
Takuma Nakamura

Section IV: Magnetosphere-ionosphere Coupling
13. Field-aligned Currents in the Magnetosphere-ionosphere
Hermann Lühr
14. Ionospheric Ions Acceleration and Transport
Andrew W. Yau
15. Cold Ionospheric Ions in the Magnetosphere
Mats André
16. Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling of Precipitating Electrons and Ionospheric Conductance
Georges Khazanov

Section V: The Dynamic Magnetosphere
17. Magnetotail Processes
Joachim Birn
18. The Active Magnetosphere: Substorms and Storms
Yukitoshi Nishimura (西村 幸敏)
19. The Northward IMF Magnetosphere
Robert Fear
20. A Brief Review of the Ring Current and Outstanding Problems
Raluca Ilie
21. Source, Loss, and Transport of Energetic Particles Deep Inside Earth’s Magnetosphere (L<4)
Xinlin Li
22. The Plasmasphere: Its Interactions and Dynamics
Fabien Darrouzet
23. Impact of Ionospheric Ions on Magnetospheric Dynamics
Elena Kronberg

Section VI: Planetary Magnetic Fields
24. Planetary Magnetic Fields
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier

Section VII: Induced Magnetospheres
25. Induced Magnetospheres: Mars
Jasper Halekas
26. The Induced Magnetosphere of Titan
Cesar Bertucci
27. Birth of a Magnetosphere
Hans Nilsson
28. Induced Magnetospheres: Atmospheric Escape from Induced Magnetospheres
Dave Brain

Section VIII: Giant Planet Magnetospheres
29. The Magnetodisk Regions of Jupiter and Saturn
Nick Achilleos
30. Giant Planet Magnetospheres: Fast Rotating Magnetospheres: Jupiter and Saturn Plasma Sources, Loss & Transport
Abigail M. Rymer
31. Gas Giant Magnetosphere- Ionosphere Thermosphere Coupling
Licia Ray
32. The Radiation Belts of Jupiter and Saturn
Elias Roussos
33. Giant Planets – Asymmetrical Magnetospheres: Uranus and Neptune
Chris Arridge

Section IX: Mini-magnetospheres and Moon-magnetosphere Interactions
34. A Dungey Cycle in the Life of Mercury’s Magnetosphere
Jim Slavin
35. Mini-magnetospheres and Moon magnetosphere interactions: Ganymede
Xianzhe Jia
36. Mini-magnetospheres and Moon magnetosphere interactions: Overview Moon-magnetosphere Interactions
Joachim Saur

Section X: Investigating Magnetospheric Processes
37. Global Simulations
Joachim Raeder
38. Kinetic Modeling in the Magnetosphere
Stefano Markidis
39. Data Based Modeling of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
Nicolai Tsyganenko
40. Review of Magnetic Field-based Multi spacecraft Techniques in the Magnetosphere
Malcom Dunlop
41. Exploring Small Scales with MMS
Jim Burch
42. Global Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Imaging of Magnetospheres
Pontus Brandt
43. Laboratory Experiments: Putting Space into the Lab
Mark Koepke

Section XI: Future Directions
44. Challenges in Modelling the Magnetosphere
Gabor Toth
45. Does a Magnetosphere Protect the Ionosphere?
Romain Maggiolo
46. Some Unsolved Problems of Magnetospheric Physics
Michael. H. Denton
47. Instigators of Future Change in Magnetospheric Research
Michael W. Liemohn

Volume 3: Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications
Chaosong Huang & Gang Lu

Section I: The Polar Cap and Auroral Ionosphere
1. Magnetospheric Energy Input to the High latitude Ionosphere
Cheryl Huang
2. High-latitude Ionospheric Convection
Steve Milan
3. Multi-scale Dynamics in the High-latitude Ionosphere
Yukitoshi Nishimura
4. Recent Advances in Polar Cap Density Structure Research
Shasha Zou
5. Polar Cap O+ Ion Outflow and its Impact on Magnetospheric Dynamics
Binzhen Zhang

Section II: The Subauroral and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
6. Ionospheric Storm Enhanced Density Plumes
John Foster
7. Ion Outflow and Lobe Density: Interhemispheric Asymmetries
Stein Haaland
8. Meso- and Small-scale Structure of Subauroral Geospace
Evgeny Mishin

Section III: The Low-Latitude Ionosphere
9. Equatorial Ionospheric Electrodynamics
Bela Fejer
10. Theory and Modeling of Equatorial Spread F
Joe Huba
11. Observations of Equatorial Spread F: A Working Hypothesis
Roland Tsunoda
12. The Equatorial Electrojet
Hermann Luehr
13. Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Variations During Geomagnetic Storms
Xiaoli Luan

Section IV: Global Ionospheric Processes
14. Penetration of the Magnetospheric Electric Fields to the Low Latitude Ionosphere
Takashi Kikuchi (菊池 崇)
15. Ionosphere and Thermosphere Coupling at Mid- and Subauroral Latitudes
Shunrong Zhang
16. Sudden Stratospheric Warming Impacts on the Ionosphere-thermosphere System – A Review of Recent Progress
Larisa Goncharenko
17. Ionospheric Dynamics and its Strong Longitudinal Dependences
Endawoke Yizengaw
18. Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
Yuichi Otsuka (大塚 雄一)

Section V: Ionospheric Impacts on Applications
19. Ionospheric Effects on HF Radio Wave Propagation
Manuel Cervera
20. Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on Satellite Navigation
Seebany Datta-Barua
21. Ionospheric Disturbances Related to Earthquakes
Kosuke Heki (日置 幸介)
22. Atmospheric and Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by Tsunamis
Michael Hickey

Volume 4: Upper Atmosphere Dynamics and Energetics
Wenbin Wang & Yongliang Zhang

Section I: Energetics and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere
1. Joule Heating in the Thermosphere
Arthur D. Richmond
2. Momentum and Energy Budgets in the High Latitude Lower Thermospheric Wind System
Young-Sil Kwak and Arthur D. Richmond
3. Upper Thermospheric Winds: Forcing, Variability and Effects
Wenbin Wang, Alan G. Burns, and Jing Liu
4. Influence of Non-hydrostatic Processes on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere
Yue Deng, Cissi Y. Lin, Qingyu Zhu, and Cheng Sheng
5. The Middle and Low Latitude Neutral Wind Dynamo
Astrid Maute

Section II: Upper Atmospheric Composition
6. Neutral Composition in the Upper Atmosphere
Alan G. Burns, Wenbin Wang, and Liying Qian
7. Storm-time Neutral Composition Changes of the Upper Atmosphere
Yongliang Zhang and Larry J. Paxton
8. Neutral Hydrogen in the Terrestrial Thermosphere and Exosphere: A Ground-based Perspective
Edwin Mierkiewicz

Section III: Low and Upper Atmosphere Coupling Through Waves
9. Atmosphere-Ionosphere (A-I) Coupling by Solar and Lunar Tides
Jeffrey M. Forbes
10. Planetary Waves and Their Impact on the Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere
Jia Yue, Ruth Lieberman, and Loren C. Chang
11. Longitudinal Variation in the Mass Density of the Thermosphere: A GAIA Simulation
Yasunobu Miyoshi (三好 勉信)

Section IV: Upper Atmosphere Structure and Variability
12. Equatorial Thermosphere Anomaly
Jiuhou Lei
13. Structured Polar Ionosphere and Its Drivers: A Review
Jing Liu, Wenbin Wang, Alan G. Burns, and Qinghe Zhang
14. Solar Flare Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere
Liying Qian and Thomas N. Wood
15. Day-to-day Variability of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere
Huixin Liu, Yosuke Yamazaki, and Jiuhou Lei
16. Response of the Ionosphere to Varying
Solar Fluxes Libo Liu, Yiding Chen, and Huijun Le
17. Long-Term Trends in the Upper Atmosphere
Jan Laštovièka

Section V: Upper Atmosphere Data Assimilation
18. Inference of Hidden States by Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Data Assimilation: Applications to Observability and Predictability of Neutral Mass Density
Tomoko Matsuo and Chih-Ting Hsu

Section VI: Upper Atmosphere Observations
19. The Ground-based Airglow Imager Network in China–Recent Observational Results
Jiyao Xu, Qinzeng Li, Longchang Sun, Xiao Liu, Wei Yuan, Wenbin Wang, Jia Yue, Shunrong Zhang, Weijun Liu, Guoying Jiang, Kun Wu, Hong Gao, and Chang Lai
20. MLT Science Enabled by Atmospheric Lidars
Chiao-Yao She, Alan Z. Liu, TaoYuan, Jia Yue, Tao Li, Chao Ban, and Jonathan S. Friedman
21. Remote Sensing of Magnetic Fields Induced by Electrojets From Space: Measurement Techniques and Sensor Design
Jeng-Hwa Yee, Jesper Gjerloev, and Dongliang Wu
23. Remote Sensing of Global Lower Thermospheric Winds: Sensing Techniques and Sensor Design
Jeng-Hwa Yee, Imran Mehdi, Darren Hayton, Jose Siles, and Dongliang Wu
24. Exploring the Upper Atmosphere: Using Optical Remote Sensing
Larry J. Paxton, Yongliang Zhang, Hyosub Kil, and Robert K. Schaefer

Volume 5: Space Weather Effects and Applications
Anthea J. Coster, Philip J Erickson & Louis J. Lanzerotti

Introduction: Space Weather Underlies Reliable Technologies
Louis J. Lanzerotti, Philip J. Erickson, and Anthea J. Coster
1. Effects of Space Radiation on Contemporary Space-based Systems I: Single Event Upsets, Spacecraft Charging, Degradation of Electronics, and Attenuation on Fiber Cabling
Baker & Bodeau
2. Effects of Space Radiation on Contemporary Space-based Systems II: Spacecraft Internal and External Charging and Discharge Effects
Bodeau & Baker
3. Effects of Space Radiation on Humans in Space Flight
4. Space Weather Radiation Effects on High Altitude/Latitude Aircraft
Mertens & Tobiska
5. Remaining Issues in Upper Atmosphere Satellite Drag
Thayer, Tobiska, Pilinski & Sutton
6. Solar Burst Effects on Radio and Radar-based Systems
Gary & Bastian
7. RF Propagation Disturbances Due to Space Weather
Bust, Mitchell & Liles
8. GNSS Degradation from Space Weather
Anthea J. Coster & Endawoke Yizengaw
9. Geomagnetic Field Impacts on Ground Systems
Radasky & Kappenman
Epilogue: The Road to Future Progress in Space Weather Understanding
Philip J Erickson, Louis J Lanzerotti & Anthea J. Coster
