The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality

editors: Jørgen Bruhn, PhD., Professor of Comparative Literature, Linnæus University, Sweden, & Asun López-Varela Azcárate, Associate Professor at the Department of English Studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid & Miriam de Paiva Vieira, Professor at the Department of Letters, Arts, and Culture at Universidade Federal de São João del Rei, Brazil
2023:12 2 vols. 1,241 p. ISBN 978-3-031-28321-5
(Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 599.99
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Section I. Histories and Schools, Theories and Methods of Intermedial Research
1. Intermediality: Introducing terminology and approaches in the field
2. An Updated Survey of Early Interart and Intermediality Roots: Claus Clüver
3. Ekphrasis – Intermedial and Anglophone Perspectives
4. Intermediality and Medium Specificity
5. Intermedialities, Societies, and Power Histories
6. Montreal School of Intermediality: Beyond Media Studies
7. Case Studies as a Heuristic of Intermediality
8. Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies and the legacy of Lars Elleström
9. Intermediality in Brazil: a diachronic survey
10. An Overview of Intermedial Studies in China
11. Intermediality, Semiotics and Media theory
12. Intermediality and/in Translation
13. Visual Citation in Intermedial Relations
14. Reformulating the Theory of Literary Intermediality: A Genealogy from Ut pictura poesis to Poststructuralist In-betweenness
15. Transmedial Narratology and Transmedia Storytelling
16. The Narrator: A Transmedial Device
17. Intermediality, Teaching and Literacy
18. Intermedia, Multimedia and Media
19. Citational Aesthetics: for Intermediality as Interrelation
Section II. Intermedial Perspectives on Media until the 19th Century: A Living Legacy
20. Traditional Chinese Painting: An Intermedial Play of Sister Arts Since the Eleventh Century
21. The Anchor and the Dolphin: A History of Emblems
22. The Age of Wonder and Entertainment: An Introduction to Intermedial Networks in Baroque Culture
23. Intermediality in Seventeenth-Century Baroque Celebrations in Hispanic America: Commissions, Poetry, and Ephemeral Architecture
24. Cabinets of Curiosities as a Transhistorical and Intermedial Phenomenon
25. Crossing Media Borders: From Intermedial Shakespeares to Shakespearean Intermediality
26. Metareference in the Nineteenth-Century Pictorial Press and Beyond
27. Picturing Music in the 19th Century
28. Prototype models of intermedial praxis (Wagner, Kandinsky, Brecht) and their resonances in contemporary performance
Section III. Intermedial Perspectives on Media in the 20th Century: New Mediascapes in A Growing World
29. Intermediality and Liveness at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
30. The Sonification of Modernist Fiction: A Critical Review
31. Adaptation and Sound
32. Music Transformation in Literature
33. Collage as a Creative Act: Emergence, Displacement and Re-signification
34. Anthropophagic Appropriation and Intermediality
35. Late Twentieth-Century Intermedia Poetry in the Americas
36. Photo-Journalism and Beyond
37. Media borders in a post-media age: the historical and conceptual co-evolution of cinema, television, video and computer screens
38. The Qualified Medium of Computer Games: Form and Matter, Technology, and Use
Section IV. Intermedial Perspectives on Media in the 21st Century: Challenges in Contemporary Society
39. The Ecological Crisis and Intermedial Studies
40. Simulated Climate in Ecological Games: Mediating Climate Change to Endow Players with Transformative Agency
41. Intermediality in Theme Parks
42. Interactive and Participatory Sound
43. Intermediality and Computer Simulation
44. Intermediality and Digital Fiction
45. Intermediality and Metamediality: From Analog Representations to Digital Resources
46. The Recommended Experience: Engaging Networked Media Platforms with Intermediality
47. Posthuman Intermedial Semiotics and Distributed Agency for Sustainable Development